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397 reviews
24.8 M downloads

Another way to communicate with your friends and loved ones

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

WeChat lets you keep in touch with anyone who uses the same application, regardless of the operating system that person uses, be it Android or iOS. You can send text messages to individuals and groups, pictures, videos, voice messages, GPS information, and even make video calls in high definition.

Before you start using the app, as with similar services like WhatsApp or LINE, you'll have to associate your phone number with a personal account, which should take only a few minutes. Once you've done this, you'll be able to see a list of people from your contacts who are also using WeChat.

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All the conversations you have via WeChat will be saved to your device but not to the server—that is, only you can access them, and only from your device. No one else. This way, you can chat without worrying about them being saved to the cloud or on some external server.

One interesting feature in WeChat is that it lets you talk with random users. You just have to select this mode, shake your Android device, and in just seconds you'll be connected with somebody else.

WeChat is an alternative way of communicating. You can use it to establish conversations with the speed and ease that are typical of this kind of apps. The only drawback is that its user base is smaller compared to others.

Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

Can WeChat be used outside China?

WeChat is an app mainly used by Chinese citizens, but it can be used outside China. It's possible to create an account with an international phone number and use the app to talk to people anywhere in the world.

What do I need to create an account on WeChat?

To create an account on WeChat, you need to have a phone number and know someone who already has a valid WeChat account. You can also create a WeChat account if you have a valid Facebook account with your real name.

Is WeChat secure?

WeChat is a messaging app without end-to-end encryption, so information shared between two people can be intercepted by an intermediary. For example, the Chinese government has access to sent messages and can censor certain content.

Is it possible to make payments on WeChat?

WeChat, in addition to a messaging app, is an app that allows the sending and receiving of money through WeChat Pay. Payments can be made both inside and outside China, whether or not you're a citizen of the country, to individuals and businesses.

Information about WeChat 8.0.53

Package Name com.tencent.mm
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Utilities
Language English
19 more
Author Tencent
Downloads 24,757,005
Date Oct 12, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 8.0.51 Android + 6.0 Sep 14, 2024
apk 8.0.50 Android + 6.0 Aug 5, 2024
apk 8.0.50 Android + 6.0 Jul 4, 2024
apk 8.0.49 Android + 7.0 Sep 8, 2024
apk 8.0.49 Android + 7.0 Jul 3, 2024
apk 8.0.50 Android + 6.0 Aug 11, 2024
Available for other platforms

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397 reviews


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I can get compatable wechat international app for my Redmi 9A phone


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